
Bible study classes are offered at noon and 7 p.m.   “The Bible: Making It Make Sense,” is offered at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays and streamed online via YouTube.  This study will be held on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary.  You may bring your children or grandchildren to Bible Adventures, to learn Bible principles in the Berthoud Daniels Service Center. Also, please access the website for additional information and lessons. 

Members and friends, we need your help to restock the Food Pantry.  We need non-perishable food items, such as canned corn, green beans, carrots, milk, grits, sugar, flour, mac & cheese, spaghetti noodles, beans, rice, canned soups, oatmeal, canned chicken and tuna, boxed mashed potatoes, peanut butter, mixed vegetables, and pancake mix.  Also, it’s that time to feed those that are less fortunate.  Fountain of Faith we need your help preparing for Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets.  Envelopes are available in your bulletin to donate any amount for the food baskets.  If you know anyone needing a food basket, please have them call 770-626-3546. 

Greetings everyone~ 
As a reminder, our Toastmasters meetings will be held on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. We will meet in the Education wing from 10-11:30 a.m.

CIA invites you to A Night of Praise and Worship
on Thursday, January 16th, at 7 p. m. in the sanctuary, to kick off their anniversary weekend! So, bring your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors for an uplifting and inspirational night of Praise and Worship featuring CIA, guest dancer Sister Norma Williams, and guest preacher Minister Dustin Poole. We hope to see you there!

Movie Night
Look no further!! Come out for "Movie Night" on Friday, January 17th hosted by CIA! We will show "The Forge" promptly at 7 pm in the sanctuary.  Doors open at 6:30 pm. Concessions will be available for a small donation in the foyer.  Spread the word!

Good Afternoon Gentlemen,
This is your invitation to the January Men of Faith Meeting, which will be held Monday, January 20th at 7:00 pm in the education wing.

The Health and Wellness Ministry “Let’s Move Line Dancing” meets Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.  If you want to have some fun and dance for your health, come out and join us.

Members and friends, call 1-701-802-5336 with Access Code 6381373 for Corporate Prayer, Friday evenings at 7 p.m. and Monday mornings at 8 a.m. 

Fountain of Faith your birth month will be the ideal time to support the Feeding ministry.  You may drop off non-perishable food items at the annex building Monday – Friday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. or Saturdays from 9 - 12PM  As always, we thank you for your help. 

FOF if you know of anyone that needs food, please get in touch with the church office at 770-997-0079 or see someone with the Homeless Ministry on Saturday, between 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.